Gør forretningen klogere på cybersikkerhed
Vi står midt i en digital transformation af vores samfund og vores virksomheder. Cybersikkerheden skal følge med, og lige som digitaliseringen skal den indtænkes i virksomhedens strategiplaner. Derfor har mange ledelser og organisationer et aktuelt behov for at blive klædt på til at arbejde strategisk med it-sikkerhed i virksomheden og få en forståelse af it-folkenes daglige arbejde.
Morten Thomsens cybersikkerheds-talk: ’The five pillars of a cybersecurity strategy’ gør organisationen klogere på it-sikkerhed og skaber grobund for løfte it-sikkerhed til strategisk niveau.
Aktuelle talks og arrangementer
No phishing allowed a deep dive into Microsoft Defender for Office and authtenticated Email
Phishing attacks continue to be a major threat to businesses, with attackers using increasingly sophisticated techniques to trick users into revealing sensitive information or infecting their systems with malware.
In this session, you will learn how to implement Microsoft Defender for Office in your organization, and how to use it in conjunction with other anti-phishing strategies. You will also learn how to customize its protection policies to meet the specific needs of your organization, and how to monitor and analyze the reports to understand the threat landscape.
The sessions will provide an overview of best practices for securing your organization against phishing attacks, such as user education, training, and policy development.
After this session, attendees will have a better understanding of how to use Microsoft Defender for Office and other security tools to protect their organizations against email-based threats.
Maximizing the value of MDE Vulnerability Management and Secure Score
Are you looking for ways to improve your organization's security posture and prioritize your infrastructure proactively? Join us for a comprehensive presentation on MDE Vulnerability Management and Secure Score and how to get the full value out of it.
We will delve into the vulnerability management capabilities of Defender for Endpoint, including how to use it to identify and address security risks in your environment. You'll learn how to prioritize and remediate vulnerabilities based on the potential impact on your business, and gain insights into the latest threat intelligence from Microsoft.
We'll also cover details of Secure Score, including how it provides a clear and actionable overview of your organization's security posture. You'll learn how to use Secure Score to prioritize vulnerabilities.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the experts and take your vulnerability management to the next level together with Microsoft Secure Score!
Verdens bedste SOC på Microsoft Security!
I en verden hvor alle organisationer oplever et stigende pres fra kriminelle aktører vælger mange at investere i Microsoft security. Det kan dog være svært at realisere den fulde værdi af sin investering.
Med +300 Microsoft Sentinel implementeringer og +200 MDR service kunder og en kåring som verdens bedste SOC på Microsoft Security, vil APENTO og BlueVoyant give et bud på, hvordan et SIEM projekt kan løftes til nye højder.
Microsoft Ignite 2022 After Party!
SPECIAL EVENT: Microsoft Ignite 2022 After Party!
Join us on Friday November 11th, 2022 for the November Edition of the Workplace Ninja User Group DK meeting.
The event is 100% free and delivered online using Microsoft Teams.
The event will include the latest update from Microsoft Ignite 2022.
Maksimer værdien af investering i Microsoft Security
APENTO og BlueVoyant inviterer dig og din virksomhed til en formiddag i sikkerhedens tegn
Workplace Ninja Denmark User Group
Session: ASR Rules... Your best Defence against Ransomware
Defender for Business Deep Dive
Join us in a session, that dives into the New Defender for Business. Learn all about what is included and how to get started with Defender for Business.
Be the Information Protection Hero of Your Organization
Get the IT Pro overview into how you can protect your sensitive and GDPR related data, using Microsoft Information Protection.
Microsoft Security day 2021
Track 5: Cloud Native Security
“Cloud security principles, how do you deliver security in a cloud environment and why is automation Crucial?”